The term “accreditation” literally means “giving faith”. That doesn’t work without trust. It is therefore of central importance that all activities of accreditation agencies are given complete trust so that the results of the quality assurance of studies and teaching can be fully relied on. This is a relevant factor for taking up a study programme and academic success, especially for prospective students and students.
Even if such trust has already been officially expressed to all agencies that are listed in the European Register (EQAR) and are full members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), it is particularly important for external stakeholders abroad that the activities and results of these agencies are reliable at all times.
That is why the two accreditation agencies AQAS and ACQUIN have made a voluntary commitment to certain minimum standards for international accreditation procedures (Cross-Border Quality Assurance). This is intended to ensure that not only European standards (ESG) are adhered to at all times, but also that procedures are used that are in line with the German understanding of quality and the quality requirements of the European Higher Education Area.

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